band standing at attention

Performing a challenging marching show at contest, the Coahoma High School Big Red Band met the task Saturday to earn a Division I rating at UIL Region VI competition held in Odessa.

“I think there were some things we could have worked on a bit like marching. The judges did make comments about it,” said Naomi White, one of three drum majors for the CHS band. “Otherwise I think we did pretty good. I was a little worried we were not going to get a (Division) I at first because of some of the things I saw on the field when I was up there conducting, but I still think we deserved to get that I and it’s great to get a I on my last year in Coahoma band.” 

Overall the band was deserving of the Division I, said Drum Major Ashley Mull.

“The commentators made a lot of comments about feet and that could have been better, but I am proud of our freshman and our sophomores and everybody who put in all the work,” Mull said.

This year’s show is titled “Dreams of Persia” by Randall D. Standridge which features two solos performed by flutist Andrea King and trumpet player Aaron Turnbough and a more intricate drill design. Saturday’s contest at Ratliff Stadium wrapped up months of work started in August and included night practices on the field and in the band hall to perfect the performance.

“I am extremely proud of what they accomplished this year,” said head Band Director John Landin. “It was a challenging show, challenging drill, and they pulled it off even though we had to fill about 10 marching spots last minute. We are really excited to accomplish all our goals and now we are moving on and will have fun with football season.”

The three judges, who each gave the band a Division I rating, were complementary of the Coahoma’s overall performance, Landin said.
“They loved Andrea’s solo,” Landin said. “They were just in love with it, and they loved the fact that our drumline is mature enough to balance the band. When the band played soft, they played soft and when the band played loud, they played loud. Not many small school bands do that, and it was nice for them to get some kudos for that.”

Now, Landin said, the band will turn its attention toward enjoying the rest of the football season and supporting the varsity Bulldog football team. The community has three more chances to see the award-winning marching show on the field including this Friday during halftime at the Stanton/Coahoma football game in Stanton. The next two shows are Friday, Nov. 2, at Colorado City and Friday, Nov 9, for the last home game. 

“I think everybody should come out and see us,” White said. “After we got a I and we were good enough to get that, they should and see how awesome our show is.”

This year’s 80-member strong band is led by Drum Majors Micah Worley, Naomi White, both seniors, and Ashley Mull, a  sophomore. Kira Landin is the assistant band director and Gina Orosco is the coordinator for the color guard.